Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Max is now 9 weeks old now. For the past few weeks we've been feeling like we really have his pattens figured out - at least when we are at home and things are fairly predictable. But since we've been running Max around meeting friends and family, looking at houses in the suburbs, and going to doctors appointments, Max and I are spending today and tomorrow just at home getting lots of sleep (I wish!) and getting life back to normal.

When he is rested and fed, Max is an absolute joy for an hour or two before he hits the wall and needs to sleep again. We've been spending that time reading to him and having "tummy time" and trying to capture some of his smiles on camera.

When we read to him he coos and coos - responding to our voices. It is so cute. Yesterday evening when Mike and I were getting him changed for bed he gave us his first laugh.

Sleep is a challenge - the sleeping through the night gig lasted all of that one night - he's up at least twice a night and sometimes thinks that 4 am is the start of the day and won't go back to sleep. But we know that this time will be (relatively) short lived and try to keep that in mind at 5:30 am when we have been awake for an hour and a half.

But Max doesn't seem to mind and we don't mind either as soon as the smiles start in the morning.

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