Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We do kind of look like cousins, don't we?

I forgot! Mike, Max and I also took a trip back to the city last weekend to visit my cousin and her fiancee. We visited a GREAT restaurant near their condo - Uncommon Ground - and hung out for the afternoon. Max somehow peed on his socks and shoes and had to be changed into his pajamas. Silly Max.

Where do the days go?

This month has been another crazy one with grandparent visits, finishing getting settled into our new home, lots of social activities, and hosting dinners and holidays. Amazingly it has been six months since this adorable baby was born.

We had some great light in our family room yesterday morning so I took lots of pictures of him. Perhaps you will see one of these in your mailbox soon on a Christmas card.

Early in the month we took a trip to Michigan to introduce Max to (most of) the rest of Mike's family. He did well in the car (thanks in large part to some advanced breastfeeding techniques). Thank God for that - we didn't have too much car screaming this time.

While in Michigan we picked up Max's new favorite toy, his piano table, and discovered that he was able to stand on his own while playing it. He sits up on his own too - has been doing both of these things for almost a month now - he's a strong baby!

Max had his first taste of food last week. So far sweet potatoes and banana are a big hit. Avocado and rice cereal not as much. But, he eats like a champ.

We hosted Thanksgiving dinner in our new home. Our delicious turkey was 23.5 pounds. Max now weighs 15 lbs 5 oz. I missed out on a great photo op - Max next to the massive turkey. Max continues to be long and lean. He is in the 56th percentile for height and only 15th for weight. Now that he is eating solid foods, maybe the weight percentile will go up.

The day after Thanksgiving we headed over to the Morton Arboretum - it was a beautiful sunny day so we took some family pictures.

Max in his cute penguin hat made by Alyse's friend:

And now we are getting geared up for Max's first Christmas. We had brunch with Santa and our first Santa encounter last weekend. Max was fairly unimpressed and didn't cry - just gave his beard a little tug.

Happy holidays!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Photos this time

We had a lovely day a week or so ago so Max (who can now sit up, more-or-less in the stroller) and I went for a nice long walk on the Prairie Path near our house. It is 60-something miles of biking/walking/running trails that wind through the western suburbs. I think we are going to love it! He did pretty well until the end of the walk when he just wanted to get home.

He's not doing much better in the car, but has some good moments. God help us for the drive to Michigan! Not looking forward to that one. However, just in the last week we've made some major progress on the sleep front - he has been napping by himself and not on my lap (though on the couch, so still not ideal...) for the past few days and we've been able to get him into the crib, at least for an hour or a little more at the beginning of bedtime. It's not much, but for us it is major progress.

Yesterday while in the Bumbo next to me while I was washing dishes, Max pulled on of my measuring spoons off its hanger on the wall and decided to eat it. His coordination is getting really good!

And one more picture of his cute Halloween costume. The cutest Wild Thing!

First Halloween

Max dressed up as Max (King of All Wild Things!) from Where the Wild Things Are for his first Halloween. It was the perfect re-purposing of an adorable bunting that Aunt Ruthi gave him.

We stayed here and gave out candy to the very few trick-or-treaters that braved the no-sidewalk side of the street. Good thing I bought five bags of candy!

Grandma Wood made up a version of peek-a-boo that Max was absolutely loving.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Max's First Vacation

Max celebrated his five-month birthday yesterday. He is getting so big and so expressive.

We are all getting settled in to our suburban routine. Yesterday we raked leaves for the first time - definitely not the last time this fall alone! This yardwork thing is new for both of us in our adult lives. I guess that's what happens when you reach your thirties...

We have been walking around, despite the cold weather this fall, exploring our new neighborhood. Max still prefers the Moby or Bjorn to the stroller, but he does tolerate it for longer periods of time these days - especially if he is freshly rested and fed.

We took Max on his first airplane ride last weekend when we tagged along on Mike's business trip to Virginia Beach. He did great on the plane - slept almost the whole time both ways. He was good at the hotel too and at the party we were there for. He got lots of attention as usual - especially since he was the only baby there...

He loved the extra time with daddy!

It was too cold to dip his feet in the Atlantic, but we watched the ocean from our balcony.

He didn't enjoy his first swim much - I don't blame him though. The pool was cold (too cold for me too!) and he didn't like going underwater at all. He was pretty clingy in the water, but later on we took him in the jaccuzi tub in our room, and he liked that much better - even letting us hold him to float on his back.

Overall, we had a really nice and relaxing first vacation with the baby. I am hoping to do it again soon!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Whew - what a whirlwind month! We have spent the last six weeks or so packing, garage sale-ing, check-writing, house-buying, moving, un-packing and settling in. Max got in on the action (oh- and that is the super cute quilt I made for him while he was in utero):

He has been remarkably happy and flexible through the whole transition. (Thanks in large part to Grandma Alyse who has magic powers to help him sleep.)
This is our cute new home out in the suburbs. Though it didn't when we took this picture, it does now have a house number, mailbox and doorbell. Still no phone jacks though. Very strange. All three of my parents were an amazing help at getting the house ready to move in to and also to do some projects (see above house number, mailbox, and doorbell as well as pantry shelves, drawer pulls and cleaning among other things that got checked off the project list) after moving.
We are mostly unpacked and settled in - bookshelves purhcased and put together, kitchen and pantry totally unpacked and organized. The only big thing left to do is buy some furniture for our living room.
Max has recently discovered the joys of bouncy toys - both this one and the Exersaucer that keeps him occupied for at least enough time to unpack one box.

He did his first tummy-to-back roll on September 20 after Grandma Wood arrived for a visit - to everyone's suprise and delight. Good timing Max! When we applauded and cheered he cried though. Maybe a little too much enthusiasm on our part.

Though I may be biased, I do believe he just gets cuter every day. Uhh, no, he definitely isn't watching TV in this picture. Definitely not.

This seems to be his favorite new face - sucking on his bottom lip. He just started doing it this past weekend - it is so funny.

We'll try to do a better job of keeping this updated now that we are settling into our quiet suburban life. Do come visit!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I think Max is going to be a talker like his daddy.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Three Months

At three months Max can hold his head up while on his tummy (though he loses patience with this position pretty quickly).

He is just starting to grab at toys. This octopus that plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is his favorite.

He figured out how to get just one or two fingers in his mouth a week or two ago. But he still likest trying to shove one or both fists in.

He is alert and happy (when he is not being tortured by his car seat) and talks to us all the time - especially at dinnertime and when he is having his diaper changed.

He's still not a great sleeper, but I don't even care when I wake up and get to play with this little guy all day:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Many Expressions of Max

Max is getting bigger and bigger. He has been enjoying his playmat and has lots of what Cousin Kevin calls "happy spazzems" while there. He also loves stretching:

He is starting to try to shove his whole fist in his mouth frequently and is drooling so much that we have had to start putting bibs on him. Here's a cute one from Cousin Matt:

Max woke up this morning (after a nice *extra* bit of sleep from 6:20 to 8:20 am that let mama get an hour extra sleep and get a few things done too) a happy boy even though he was soaked thorugh.

Hammin' it up:

Today is our four-year anniversary. How much changes in four years! How much changes in just one year! Last year at this time we wanted so badly to have a family, and this year we have a beautiful, charming, personable little almost-three-month-old baby. Like 2005 was for us, 2009 is a year of big changes. A brand new baby, I am trying out the stay-at-home-mom thing (and LOVING it), and now it looks like we are moving to the suburbs. We are on track to close in late September on an adorable home in Lombard near the downtown area and the Metra tracks (hopefully that will make it easy for us to visit our friends in the city). The perfect place for our new family.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Max is now 9 weeks old now. For the past few weeks we've been feeling like we really have his pattens figured out - at least when we are at home and things are fairly predictable. But since we've been running Max around meeting friends and family, looking at houses in the suburbs, and going to doctors appointments, Max and I are spending today and tomorrow just at home getting lots of sleep (I wish!) and getting life back to normal.

When he is rested and fed, Max is an absolute joy for an hour or two before he hits the wall and needs to sleep again. We've been spending that time reading to him and having "tummy time" and trying to capture some of his smiles on camera.

When we read to him he coos and coos - responding to our voices. It is so cute. Yesterday evening when Mike and I were getting him changed for bed he gave us his first laugh.

Sleep is a challenge - the sleeping through the night gig lasted all of that one night - he's up at least twice a night and sometimes thinks that 4 am is the start of the day and won't go back to sleep. But we know that this time will be (relatively) short lived and try to keep that in mind at 5:30 am when we have been awake for an hour and a half.

But Max doesn't seem to mind and we don't mind either as soon as the smiles start in the morning.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

There is drool running down my leg as I type this post

Max with his mohawk at 8 weeks:

Max had his two-month checkup yesterday - and the pediatrician declared him a "gorgeous healthy baby". We couldn't agree more! He is up to 10 lbs 12 oz (32nd percentile) and 23 3/4 inches (83rd percentile). We have a long, lean baby! But the doctor said his weight gain is good, so it looks like he is growing well.
Enjoying some time with daddy:

Max met all of my sides of the family this weekend - at least some representatives from each side at least. It was Purdy Reunion weekend, one of my favorite summer gatherings and this year we resurrected the tradition of homemade ice cream (grandma's recipe made by me) and held the second-annual water balloon toss with the Ass Backwards statue (a little guy riding backwards on a donkey) as the trophy. Mike did not reprise his roll as winner - instead Erin and Bill will take a turn with the trophy on their mantle. (And I am sure we will hear about it every time we see Bill between now and the next water balloon toss.
Max was knocked out by all the activity.

And he got to meet Uncle Phil for the first time AND take his first trip to Pizza House so mama could get a Chipati. Yummm.

Overall a successful weekend trip to Michigan. He was so good in the car we may even do it again sometime.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Mornings

This week has been much more of what I had in mind for this summer: nice long walks on the lakefront while we still live in the city (no move scheduled yet, but we are shopping for suburban homes), dinner outside, no huge rush to do anything, and a trip to Michigan at the end of the week to visit family.

It took seven weeks for me to figure out what I am doing enough to make this happen, and I am certainly still figuring things out as I go along, but we are getting more mobile and enjoying getting out both on our own and to go visit friends and family.

On Monday we took a walk in the stroller:

Max was happy and sleeping on the way south along the lakefront, but woke up and was fussy on the way home. Today I took him out in the Moby wrap (a sling-like contraption that is thankfully very easy on my back) and he slept the whole hour and 45 minutes that we were out walking. It was a nice morning for a walk - humid and sticky but not too hot, and overcast and shady so I didn't have to slather on the sunscreen (or "liquid raincoat" as Mike calls it).
At the beginning of our walk on Monday it was pretty chilly so I got to dress Max up in the green sweater that I knitted for him while I was pregnant:
What a perfect morning! I kept thinking this morning that some people talk about high school or college being the best time of their lives, but I think I am living the best time of my life now. I feel so fortunate to be able to have this experience of raising this cute litle man and being home with him full time, at least for now. It is a challenge, and exhausting at times, but it is so rewarding, especially when he smiles at me!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


At just about 7 weeks old, Max slept through the night (7 1/2 hours from 11 pm to 6:30 am!) last night. Too bad I woke up every hour or two to check and make sure he was still okay. It was still a VERY good night. This is how happy we all were this morning:

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Last weekend Max spent time with both of his bachans (great-grandmothers) at the same time and they couldn't get enough of him.

At six and a half weeks, Max is gracing us with lots of smiles - especially while laying on the changing table! He has been doing it about a week, and they just get better and better every day as he spends more time awake and aware. He especially likes the goofy songs that daddy makes up for him.

He makes such fun little sounds that seem like laughs too.

We are so excited to go to Michigan next weekend so that Max can meet a lot of the members of the Purdy and Wood families. Hopefully he'll be smiley and happy then.