Friday, February 26, 2010

Lunch, or an entire weeks' food for other babies

Today for lunch, Max had:

3 Baby Mum-Mum crackers
1 handful of cheerios (some went on the floor of course)
1/4 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup plain yogurt with blueberry puree mixed in
1/4 cup pureed sugar snap peas
1/2 carton of raspberries

And I think he still would have eaten more.

Holy wow.

Yummy yummy raspberries.

And oh yeah, my house is a wreck. Gotta get cleaned up before book club tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

9 Months!

Tomorrow Max is 9 months old!

He is finally getting some teeth. In fact, all four front teeth are coming in at once. No wonder the kid won't sleep. Hopefully the poor baby will be able to get some sleep soon after they all come through. (And then mama can get some sleep too...)

Thanks to his hearty appetite, he gained almost 3 pounds in 3 months - going from the 15th percentile to the 25th in weight and now weighing in at a whopping 18.2 pounds and 27 1/2 inches long. And once again he had three needle pokes and didn't cry. But then cried and screamed all the way home because he didn't want to be strapped into his car seat. Crazy kid.

He has a new trick, which is climing up the entire flight of stairs to our bedroom. He is quite a daredevil. He learned how to do it really quickly! Literally one day he was inching his way up one or two stairs and the next he climbed the whole flight. I sound like an overly-proud mama bear. : )

Happy 9-month birthday kiddo! You have now been out in the world as long as you were in my belly.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Something just clicked for Max this afternoon, and now we are really in trouble!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Mike left for Switzerland yesterday afternoon, sadly leaving me home alone with Max for Valentine's Day. This weekend is also our 10-year anniversary of meeting. Thanks Diana!! : ) Mike and I went out for a date on Friday and I thought that was the end of our V-Day celebration, but these flowers arrived this morning "from Max".

Max and I had a relaxing morning with a trip to Target. He gave me the wonderful Valentines Day present of sleeping in until 6:15 am! Two mornings in a row of sleeping past 6:00 am. (Now that I have typed that, I am sure it will never happen again.)

I had to dress him up in red and white as my little valentine.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Growth Spurt

Max seems to have hit a growth spurt over the past couple of weeks - all of a sudden his 9-month clothes are getting too tight so I had to go to the bins and pull out all of his 12-month hand-me-downs. I am not too surprised considering the quantity of food that this kid eats - easily at least three or four times as much as other babies we know who were born the same day. So far I got my wish - a good eater. We'll see how long it lasts. And his hair is really starting to grow now too!

He still loves his bath, and we signed him up for swimming lessons starting in April, just to get him used to being in the water.

Here he is, about to steal Iris's toy (aka an empty play-dough tin).

We are looking forward to taking Max to his first White Sox game this spring in Arizona during spring training.

He is not looking forward to wearing this hat in the sun.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


For the past month or more, every diaper change and clothing change has been like Wrestlemania. Max wants nothing to do with laying nicely and getting changed. He flips over, scoots around and tries to get at anything and everything on the table.

Just this week he has started waving. He has been staring at his hand while he opens and closes it - but this week, when prompted, he waved to Mike as he was leaving and also (prompted) waved to me after I dropped him off at Grandma Alyse's for a few hours. Cute, cute.

He loves sitting in the family room playing with his toys.

And he loves fruit. Here's his first taste of blueberries.

One of his favorite comfort objects seems to be the (clean) cloth diaper wipes. They are now scattered around the house because he has been carrying them everywhere.

He can get to standing up in his crib, and now also in the Pack and Play - he proved it this morning when I was in the shower. When I went to get him, there he was standing waiting for me. Strong baby!