For the past month or more, every diaper change and clothing change has been like Wrestlemania. Max wants nothing to do with laying nicely and getting changed. He flips over, scoots around and tries to get at anything and everything on the table.
Just this week he has started waving. He has been staring at his hand while he opens and closes it - but this week, when prompted, he waved to Mike as he was leaving and also (prompted) waved to me after I dropped him off at Grandma Alyse's for a few hours. Cute, cute.
He loves sitting in the family room playing with his toys.

And he loves fruit. Here's his first taste of blueberries.

One of his favorite comfort objects seems to be the (clean) cloth diaper wipes. They are now scattered around the house because he has been carrying them everywhere.

He can get to standing up in his crib, and now also in the Pack and Play - he proved it this morning when I was in the shower. When I went to get him, there he was standing waiting for me. Strong baby!