Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We do kind of look like cousins, don't we?

I forgot! Mike, Max and I also took a trip back to the city last weekend to visit my cousin and her fiancee. We visited a GREAT restaurant near their condo - Uncommon Ground - and hung out for the afternoon. Max somehow peed on his socks and shoes and had to be changed into his pajamas. Silly Max.

Where do the days go?

This month has been another crazy one with grandparent visits, finishing getting settled into our new home, lots of social activities, and hosting dinners and holidays. Amazingly it has been six months since this adorable baby was born.

We had some great light in our family room yesterday morning so I took lots of pictures of him. Perhaps you will see one of these in your mailbox soon on a Christmas card.

Early in the month we took a trip to Michigan to introduce Max to (most of) the rest of Mike's family. He did well in the car (thanks in large part to some advanced breastfeeding techniques). Thank God for that - we didn't have too much car screaming this time.

While in Michigan we picked up Max's new favorite toy, his piano table, and discovered that he was able to stand on his own while playing it. He sits up on his own too - has been doing both of these things for almost a month now - he's a strong baby!

Max had his first taste of food last week. So far sweet potatoes and banana are a big hit. Avocado and rice cereal not as much. But, he eats like a champ.

We hosted Thanksgiving dinner in our new home. Our delicious turkey was 23.5 pounds. Max now weighs 15 lbs 5 oz. I missed out on a great photo op - Max next to the massive turkey. Max continues to be long and lean. He is in the 56th percentile for height and only 15th for weight. Now that he is eating solid foods, maybe the weight percentile will go up.

The day after Thanksgiving we headed over to the Morton Arboretum - it was a beautiful sunny day so we took some family pictures.

Max in his cute penguin hat made by Alyse's friend:

And now we are getting geared up for Max's first Christmas. We had brunch with Santa and our first Santa encounter last weekend. Max was fairly unimpressed and didn't cry - just gave his beard a little tug.

Happy holidays!!