Monday, October 26, 2009

Max's First Vacation

Max celebrated his five-month birthday yesterday. He is getting so big and so expressive.

We are all getting settled in to our suburban routine. Yesterday we raked leaves for the first time - definitely not the last time this fall alone! This yardwork thing is new for both of us in our adult lives. I guess that's what happens when you reach your thirties...

We have been walking around, despite the cold weather this fall, exploring our new neighborhood. Max still prefers the Moby or Bjorn to the stroller, but he does tolerate it for longer periods of time these days - especially if he is freshly rested and fed.

We took Max on his first airplane ride last weekend when we tagged along on Mike's business trip to Virginia Beach. He did great on the plane - slept almost the whole time both ways. He was good at the hotel too and at the party we were there for. He got lots of attention as usual - especially since he was the only baby there...

He loved the extra time with daddy!

It was too cold to dip his feet in the Atlantic, but we watched the ocean from our balcony.

He didn't enjoy his first swim much - I don't blame him though. The pool was cold (too cold for me too!) and he didn't like going underwater at all. He was pretty clingy in the water, but later on we took him in the jaccuzi tub in our room, and he liked that much better - even letting us hold him to float on his back.

Overall, we had a really nice and relaxing first vacation with the baby. I am hoping to do it again soon!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Whew - what a whirlwind month! We have spent the last six weeks or so packing, garage sale-ing, check-writing, house-buying, moving, un-packing and settling in. Max got in on the action (oh- and that is the super cute quilt I made for him while he was in utero):

He has been remarkably happy and flexible through the whole transition. (Thanks in large part to Grandma Alyse who has magic powers to help him sleep.)
This is our cute new home out in the suburbs. Though it didn't when we took this picture, it does now have a house number, mailbox and doorbell. Still no phone jacks though. Very strange. All three of my parents were an amazing help at getting the house ready to move in to and also to do some projects (see above house number, mailbox, and doorbell as well as pantry shelves, drawer pulls and cleaning among other things that got checked off the project list) after moving.
We are mostly unpacked and settled in - bookshelves purhcased and put together, kitchen and pantry totally unpacked and organized. The only big thing left to do is buy some furniture for our living room.
Max has recently discovered the joys of bouncy toys - both this one and the Exersaucer that keeps him occupied for at least enough time to unpack one box.

He did his first tummy-to-back roll on September 20 after Grandma Wood arrived for a visit - to everyone's suprise and delight. Good timing Max! When we applauded and cheered he cried though. Maybe a little too much enthusiasm on our part.

Though I may be biased, I do believe he just gets cuter every day. Uhh, no, he definitely isn't watching TV in this picture. Definitely not.

This seems to be his favorite new face - sucking on his bottom lip. He just started doing it this past weekend - it is so funny.

We'll try to do a better job of keeping this updated now that we are settling into our quiet suburban life. Do come visit!!