Max - 1 day old

We have spent the last month (how time flies!) figuring each other out and getting to know each other.
Over the past few days we have made some major leaps. Where we had been having to supplement his diet with some formula, we are now on day 4 with zero formula! And Max was smiling up a storm at Mike this morning while he was on diaper duty. Max is quickly becoming more aware of his surroundings and has been quietly enjoying the mobile in his crib for up to 45 minutes at a time - giving me enough time to take a nice long shower or eat lunch or wash diapers! His neck is really strong and he is starting to grab things - like handfuls of mama's hair.
Max is five weeks old. He is a pretty good sleeper, though I am usually up up about twice each night to feed him. He is also super snuggly and wants nothing to do with sleeping by himself. As soon as we put him down in his crib or co-sleeper he is awake again and screaming.
I am loving being able to be at home with him and spend a lot of time enjoying this time with him. We are looking at houses out by Mike's office in order to enable him to spend more time with Max too. We found one that is just about 10 minutes from his office, which would be so great after 9-plus years of hour long (each way!) commutes for Mike. Moving with a (potentiaaly) two month old baby will be interesting, but at least there are lots of grandparents who I am sure will be happy to help us out.